In the society that we develop in as people, most of us are taught consciously or unconsciously that selflessness is more attractive than being selfish.
There is beauty in both.
I believe that being selfish is important for you to understand and appreciate the value in something before allowing someone to depreciate the very thing that you should value.
If you are taught to always be selfless it is my idea that you are not giving yourself the time or the space to truly get all what you should receive out of that person, place or thing that you are blessed with.
I remember reading in a book, this passage about 2 parents having an intense discussion about their children and how one parent‘s child wouldn’t allow the other parent’s child to play with the child’s new toys.
This was of course at the child’s birthday party.
When the child opened up all of her new toys the dad told her to take them to her room.
He was asked, why he wouldn’t allow little Stacey to let the other children play with her toys, isn’t that teaching her to be selfish?
Dad said with a smirk.. of course. 😌
“ I want my daughter to learn the value of her own things and then when she is ready to choose to share, she can share. It is essential for her to learn to appreciate and take care of her own gifts before allowing another person who may be too excited, careless, or jealous break them. This is a tool that she can carry for the rest of her life when it comes to not only having value for herself, but for others. Plus. It’s her birthday and there are plenty toys and games that the kids can unleash their energy on.”
This small passage opened my eyes to a new understanding.
I had to learn to be selfish in order to understand the beauty of being selfless. Being selfish is only negative when you are depriving others of what you can give without harming yourself.
The positivity that you show to others you should show to yourself first.
Be Selfish with you.
Be Kind to yourself so that you may be kind to others.
Be Patient with yourself so that you may be patient with others.
Channel the energy of discernment so that you can know who is worth your time and who isn’t.
1. Discernment is the ability to make proper judgement- to have understanding or insight of something.
Nothing worth learning is going to happen overnight.
So Learn.