Whether you live the Coif’d Life or not.
Mental 🧠 Health is very important 🙏🏽.
Coif’d Tresses celebrates October 10th as WORLD WIDE MENTAL HEALTH DAY.
Health in general is very important.
In order to live life with few complications, being healthy is essential.
In order to be healthy it is said to start healthy practices.
Immediately we all think about physical exercise 👀.
When someone mentions MENTAL HEALTH.
Being crazy, psycho, or having a disability comes to mind for many.
But, when you think about it - there is more to a person than just the physical.
From a child we are a 4 part series.
Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Mental.
When these 4 parts are aligned we find balance.
How you think effects and affects your perception and therefore your reality.
When you involve healthy practices in your life, shift will happen so change can take root in your destiny.
Your mind is the computer for your body.
Things that we attempt to bury or hide emotionally, physically, or spiritually is a mental choice.
But even our minds have a limit, no matter how much we choose to conceal or celebrate.
It all starts with the mind.
Take care of your Emotional Health, Physical Health, Spiritual Health, and most importantly your MENTAL HEALTH.
Just because it's normal to you or it is something that has always been done.
Doesn't mean it's the the only way, the best way, or healthiest way.
If you or someone you know feels defeated, mentally exhausted, or just stuck, there are resources below that can help.
- BE WELL LINE (866-389-3046)
- If you can't talk you can text the CRISIS HOTLINE.
- For the Veterans you can text or call the veterans hotline
- How is your mental health? Check the results of your health mentally. ◀️◀️◀️◀️◀️◀️
You are not crazy for seeking guidance.
You are not weak for wanting answers.
You are not hopeless for seeking help.
You are BRAVE.
Sending you love💗, light🌄, support☎️, and peace☮️.
🌹You are worth your happy ending.🌹